Results from Blender poll about education

As some of you may know I’m working on an educational product covering Hair so I asked some questions (here) about educational products for Blender. The results can be useful for those who works with this kind of product or for the general users.

The first question: In your opinion there are enough resources (tutorials, help guides or books) about Hair (with Cycles) in Blender?

This is a very specific question. I ask it obviously to sense how people view Hair (which is the subject of my product). Almost 1/3 of you think that there is enough material about Hair.

The second question: What you consider a fair price for a good quality educational product for Blender?

More than a half are willing to pay less than $10 or nothing for an educational product. I know that the usual price (from blender e-shop for instance) are far above these values. This raises some more questions: The prices are really higher than users are willing to pay? Or just 4% (that could pay $40 or more) from users actually buy something?

I wonder if the prices lowered to about $10 or $15 the sales volume would compensate the profit.

The third question: What is the less covered field by educational products that are available now for Blender?

Those who answered feels that there should be more tutorial about Compositing and Animation.

And the last question: What you consider the best way to learn new things about Blender.

Something that was expected. So if you wish to make tutorials you should not ignore the video.

Well, you cannot trust this 100%. There was not too many answers (I posted the thread in only two foruns). Or as Mark Twain says there are “Lies, damned lies, and statistics”.  But in general this should give a good baseline for what people think about tutorials for Blender.

Hope that can be useful for you guys. Comment what you think about it and if you want to know when my tutorial about Hair is live just leave your email here and I’l let you know when it’s ready.
